Sunday, July 13, 2014

When That Dream Falls Apart

- Christopher Hampton

The other day I went walking through the streets and I couldn’t help but notice all of the youth around me. By no means am I old, but I am referring to those who are not yet in their twenties. As I see them my mind goes back to the days when I was their age and the mysteries of life were just unraveling. Nothing was impossible in my mind and other minds alike. Well those times have gone and the world has had an impact on the things we once dreamed about.

I want to draw you attention to the poem written by Langston Hughes entitled “A Dream Deferred”.

What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore--
And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?


Now you have to understand the life of Langston Hughes to understand the purpose behind his writings. He was a major catalyst in the Harlem renaissance that expanded the horizons of poetry not just to African Americans but to all races.  He grew up in a time of segregation and hate towards “the other races”. This was a migration of Negros from the south to the north, and a advancement in the arts and a realization of the African American condition. The era was a time of change but that change brought about hard times due to the great depression towards the end of the Harlem renaissance. One example is that Hughes dreamed of going to Columbia University to pursue a higher education and he succeeds but left do to racial discrimination. A dream that was started but soon thereafter fell apart.

A dream is whatever the dreamer wants it to be. Within a dream you can be whatever you want, when you want and how you want. There are no restrictions or doubts. If something is not to your liking then you can change it in a blink of an eye. But reality and dreams are in many ways exact opposites. Now some dreams become a reality and they flourish. But what do you do when they don’t. It is hard to wish for something and work for something for so long only to see it crumble to nothing. It is evident that dreams often fall victim to the chatter of the non-believers. Who are the non-believers? Well they are those people that don’t see the vision and the potential for greatness in your dreams.

But don’t let that stop you from reaching up. Now I will say that some dreams are irrational due to their nature and people should be able to tell when something is right and when something just won’t work. An example is growing up I wanted to be a legendary martial arts master with supernatural powers who saved the world. A child’s dream is just that, a child’s dream. No I’m talking about those dreams that show promise, that show change. To make a dream come true first of you have to have faith in that dream. Secondly you have to have the tenacity to work for it. Thirdly you have to want it!


But when the odds against you prevail you have to have the courage to stand on your own two feet and say I won’t be defeated and this won’t stop me. If there is one thing I have learned in life is that your dreams are just that…yours. Don’t let other people discourage you and tear you down because they can’t comprehend. Learn to speak victory over dreams and believe that it will come to past. I charge you to look at your life and ask yourself are you defined by what others say and think. Or do you walk down a path that you have forged for yourself? Prepare yourself for the criticism; prepare yourself for the ups and downs. Prepare yourself and know that there is a chance that this dream can fall apart but have the faith to say even if it does, I’ll pick up the pieces and go at it again. I’ll run on until my dream comes to fruition and nothing can hinder me from my destiny which I am molding with my own two hands. You are the artist so imagine it and then paint your portrait.

What happens to a
      like a raisin in
      Or fester like a sore— And th
      Does it stink l
      Or crust and sugar
      like a syru


Knowing When It Is Time To Leave.

We grow accustom to what we consider stable or safe. Throughout our lives we are taught to find our niche, the places where we best fit in and stay there.  But if there is one thing I have learned over the years is that nothing last forever. All things, even the good eventually wither away. It is in our nature to want to feel secure, but sometimes feeling secure also means becoming complacent. Change is necessary for growth and through change we can become greater.
The word complacent is defined as “pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect;” The key part of that definition is without awareness of some potential danger or defect. What danger does your current situation pose to you? Knowing when something has run its course in your life is something that you as an individual have to realize on his or her own. You have to learn to look at the situation and determine its worth. How do I determine the worth? The price is based on whether you are happy or whether you see yourself advancing and becoming better.  How much do you value where you are at?
If something makes you uneasy and unhappy, it might be time to reconsider your position. Don’t stay in something that makes you feel like you just cannot make it. There are countless stories of people who saw a problem and decided instead of dealing with it, they were just going on to something else. This doesn’t mean you haven’t tried, but it simply means you have realized that it is not for you. Everything that is right for others isn’t necessarily good for you. And there comes a time when you have to recognize when something will work for you and when it is simply out of your league. That doesn’t make you less of a person than anyone else but it makes you knowledgeable and aware. It was once said a man who entertains a clown becomes part of the circus. So if the circus is not meant for you….then why are you trying to join?   
Learn to simply just walk away. As you grow, you will realize that certain fights are just pointless and if you are at that stage of maturity and you can’t see that…well that’s something you need to work out. But sometimes fighting for something is not worth the energy. Why do people see the need to hold on to things, and I use the term "things" lightly, when they do nothing but lock them down. It is because they have become “comfortable” or as I said earlier they feel safe. It is time to break that cycle and open your eyes to the realization that there is something better out there for you. If something or somebody is right for you, then God will sustain and lift the both of you together! Things that are meant to be will be whether we want them that way or not. But when you have the power to make a change for the better, you better grab a hold to it. Make changes that make you happy and learn to let go when it is necessary.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Plant Your Feet On A Firm Foundation!!!!

"Those who stand for nothing, will fall for anything." 
Alexander Hamilton 

   There is a story of two men that decided to build a home. One of these men decided to build his home on a sandy hill while the other man decided to build his house on a rocky mound. The story continues by saying that the man who built his home upon the sand finished quickly and the other man who decided to build his home on the rocks struggled to build his home because the ground was so hard to dig up. But then a storm came through the valley and the house that was built on the sand was washed away while the house that was built upon the rocks remained standing. The house that was built in haste was defeated and was torn down, while the one that was built with patience and the proper tools stood. So I want to ask you, are you standing on a firm foundation?

   The foolish man wanted to build his home in a hurry and cut corners to have his home built in a short amount of time. A foundation is meant hold and support something heavy and large in size. It is meant to with-stand the test of time and the hard ships of the weather. But the foolish mans foundation was WEAK and built not firm but below par. This is interesting to me because our society is built like the foolish mans house. Our foundation is lacking and because of this our "homes" are leaning and falling down. Is your foundation firm????

   I wrote this post simply to tell you, build and then plant your feet on a firm foundation. It is time that we stop settling for this no moral having, disrespecting life style that so many have adopted. It is time to build ourselves up and learn that doing things to simply get by is not always the way to go. Anything worth having is not easy to obtain and there are no shortcuts to get it. If you want peace in your home you have to build a foundation of peace and pursue it. If you want a foundation that will help you to get to the next level then you must build a foundation that will support you as you grow!!!! 

   How can you claim to want to make a difference if you have have no desire to stand for change? How can you shout hope and peace if you have no intentions of stopping violence?? How can you say you support this and support that if you don't have an understanding of what you support? You must build and then stand on a firm and solid foundation. It is time to stop being thrown from one side to the other. It is time to stop being one of those people who can't think for themselves and don't know how to stand on their own two feet. But it is time to build your foundation. Stop building your house on that sandy hill. Stop digging in the sand to lay a foundation because its easy. Build a foundation that will allow you to become a leader and not a follower. Build a foundation that will allow you to become excellent. Have a reason behind everything that you do and learn to stand strong in the things you believe in.

Where you're at, is where you need to be.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
- Fredrick Keonig

   The lesson that I was taught today was simple. Live your life and be content with what you have and learn to ignore what you may think people think about you. So I'm here to tell someone, you are where you're suppose to be. We often live our lives despite what some people say to impress others. But we have to come to the point where we no longer live for others but for ourselves and learn to be content in the things that we have been blessed with. 

   We live in a society where everyone just wants more but they can never see that all the need is right in front of them. What's worse is we often fail to realize we have what we have because thats really all that we need. It is a justified amount and there is no need for more. You are not in the position you're in whether that position is where you are on the job, in your home, or among your friends just because. There is a purpose behind where you are and how things are done. It is important to remember this and to become content with the blessings that you have been given. Now I realize that people believe that they can always do better and this is true. But I want you to take the time to realize that you're position in life is what it is because you are meant to do something great in that role. 

   When we learn to ignore what the "world" thinks about us, we will finally come into what we are meant to do. By trying to impress others, we separate ourselves from the awesome things we are meant to accomplish. Realize your calling is justified and is meant to help someone else along the way into their blessing. Let go of greed and let go of your ego. There is nothing wrong with helping others to achieve their goals. Realize that there is no reason to be ashamed of where you are if you have worked hard for what you have and don't allow others to tell you different. 

  Try to see the positive in what you are meant to do. Learn to want to do better but to not be ashamed of what you have been blessed with. Always desire to do great in the role that you are in instead of always wanting more. Learn to be happy with the many things that you can count as a blessing and know that where you're at is where you need to be!!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Hang In There, Your Blessing Is Coming!!!!!!

"Never cut a tree down in the winter time. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decision when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come." - Robert H. Schuller 

   Can you say that your tired of holding on waiting for a change in your life to come? Are you worried that the break you are looking for won't come? Well there is a story about a women that who was sick for eighteen years. For eighteen years she could not get any better. For eighteen years she was stopped from receiving her healing and  her victory over that sickness. But then one day Jesus came and saw her, and he laid his hands on her. In that moment she was healed. For eighteen years she was waiting for her chance to be healed and with ONE touch her life was changed. So I came to tell you just like the women, your eighteen years are up your blessing is coming!!!!!!

   People wish everyday for a change in their life but often are too quick to walk away from the change that is right in front of them. Im here to tell someone that all you have to do is hang in there, your blessing is coming. When things look rough and they just keep picking at you, just tell yourself to be patient. Keep a positive mind and know that no matter how bad this storm may be and the toll that it may be taking on your life, it wont be long before it ends. Keep telling yourself at the end of this storm, Im coming out with something greater than when I went in.

   I personally can say that waiting is truly hard. Over the past couple of months I continued to see others  receiving their blessing and the things that they most desired and I was just sitting there and wondering "when is my time going to come?" Having to congratulate others on their success while mine was no where in site was truly hard. But I can stand here and say that my blessing finally came. Not only did it come but it came at the right time.  I have realized that a blessing that we desire so much often comes when we least expect it but it comes when it is most needed. 

   I think one of the greatest lesson that I have learned and I wish to share with you is to be a blessing to others when your blessing comes. Allow the gift that you have received be used not only to better your life but to push others to do better. Even if this means just telling them to wait a little longer because in due season you will receive what you have been asking for. Don't let your need for something to happen to push to down a path that takes you away from your blessing. Remain stead fast and know that it will come when it is truly needed. 

   Your Blessing is coming!!!!! Keep hope alive. Don't give up and don't give in. I know to some it may seem hopeless and it may seem endless but NO storm last forever and this too shall pass. Stand tall and be inspired to run on to see what the end is going to be. Tell yourself everyday hang in there, my blessing is coming!!!!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Now Is The Time: Making Decisions and Taking Action

" I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become." - Oprah Winfrey

   Over the past couple of days I have struggled in deciding what to write as my next post. But just a few days ago I received some good news about someone in my family and it made me very happy. The story goes a little something like this. Some odd years ago one of my uncles attended Norfolk State University but did not finish his journey there. Over the years he has worked hard to be the best that he could be and never strayed away from a challenge. But in the past few months he has decided that it was time to make a change for the better and to FINISH what he started and continue to pursue his bachelors degree. I don't think words can explain how happy and proud I am of my uncle. So what is the moral of this post? Well I shall tell you. 

   On this day I'm challenging not only myself but anyone who may read this post to make a decision and take action. I don't know what may be standing in your way at this moment in time, but now is the time to decide!!!! Make a change in your life that will better prepare you for what you want to do and not for what others want you to do. Oprah said it best when she said "what we dwell on is who we become." So let me ask you, will you dwell on who you once were or will you take the lessons of your past and use them to push yourself forward in a new direction? Dwell on GREATNESS and EXCELLENCE, not on mediocrity. I think one of the greatest things that my aunt told me once is "it's hard to start new but you do not want to become complacent in what you're doing."

   Don't become stagnant, do not settle for things that are less than what you can accomplish, Now is the time!!!!!! Often times we fall victim to our "darkest thoughts"....Can I talk to somebody??? We tell people that we don't care what others think about us. But in the end we lie to ourselves sometimes. Decide today not to let what people say get you down, but take what they have said and learn from it. Then once you have done that MOVE ON and become better!!! Aristotle was once said "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit". So let me ask you what will you repeatedly do?? Now is the time. 

   I don't care if today you decide to be a better babysitter, a better parent, a better christian, a better friend, or just a better you. But it is time to make a decision, take action and become excellence!!!!! Don't do this for others but do it for yourself. Do this so that when you look in the mirror at the end of the day you are happy with what you see. Do not become stagnant. do not become complacent. Make a change for the better today for now is the time!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Surrender No More!!!!!!!

   The other day I was at work and my music was playing and I was just enjoying myself. As the hours at work were passing me by, a certain song came on my phone and it made me think of so much. The song was called "I feel like going on". Now this very simple song spoke to my spirit so many things and I thought I would share some of those thoughts with whoever may read this. 

   The song simply goes "I feel like going on, even though trials may come on every hand, I feel like going on." Simple to remember right? Well this song said a lot to me even though I have heard it a million times. The song simply states that regardless of the trials that one faces, they will keep pressing on. Despite the many obstacles that I face everyday I will not surrender. As a child I was always taught that its okay to be upset over something but don't dwell on it for to long. I FEEL LIKE GOING ON!!!! 

   Im encouraging someone right now. Don't let your painful past dictate what you do next in life. Walk away from that oppressive situation that your facing now and have faith that it will work out!!!! I will surrender no more to what the haters may say. I will fulfill what God has set out for me to accomplish. Have the strength to keep fighting on even when all is against you. May Heaven Smile Upon You.

PS: Here is the song sung by Bishop Marvin Winans.