Sunday, September 1, 2013

Plant Your Feet On A Firm Foundation!!!!

"Those who stand for nothing, will fall for anything." 
Alexander Hamilton 

   There is a story of two men that decided to build a home. One of these men decided to build his home on a sandy hill while the other man decided to build his house on a rocky mound. The story continues by saying that the man who built his home upon the sand finished quickly and the other man who decided to build his home on the rocks struggled to build his home because the ground was so hard to dig up. But then a storm came through the valley and the house that was built on the sand was washed away while the house that was built upon the rocks remained standing. The house that was built in haste was defeated and was torn down, while the one that was built with patience and the proper tools stood. So I want to ask you, are you standing on a firm foundation?

   The foolish man wanted to build his home in a hurry and cut corners to have his home built in a short amount of time. A foundation is meant hold and support something heavy and large in size. It is meant to with-stand the test of time and the hard ships of the weather. But the foolish mans foundation was WEAK and built not firm but below par. This is interesting to me because our society is built like the foolish mans house. Our foundation is lacking and because of this our "homes" are leaning and falling down. Is your foundation firm????

   I wrote this post simply to tell you, build and then plant your feet on a firm foundation. It is time that we stop settling for this no moral having, disrespecting life style that so many have adopted. It is time to build ourselves up and learn that doing things to simply get by is not always the way to go. Anything worth having is not easy to obtain and there are no shortcuts to get it. If you want peace in your home you have to build a foundation of peace and pursue it. If you want a foundation that will help you to get to the next level then you must build a foundation that will support you as you grow!!!! 

   How can you claim to want to make a difference if you have have no desire to stand for change? How can you shout hope and peace if you have no intentions of stopping violence?? How can you say you support this and support that if you don't have an understanding of what you support? You must build and then stand on a firm and solid foundation. It is time to stop being thrown from one side to the other. It is time to stop being one of those people who can't think for themselves and don't know how to stand on their own two feet. But it is time to build your foundation. Stop building your house on that sandy hill. Stop digging in the sand to lay a foundation because its easy. Build a foundation that will allow you to become a leader and not a follower. Build a foundation that will allow you to become excellent. Have a reason behind everything that you do and learn to stand strong in the things you believe in.

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