Growing up we were always taught to follow our own path in life. Now i like many people in the world today followed the path of christianity and decided that it works for me. Now so people may not know this but both of my parents are pastors kids so i did in fact grow up in a christian home. But this passage is not to tell you about my past in the christian faith nor my families past. it is being written to talk to you about certain things that have come to my attention in the past couple of months.
I have literally been away from home now for about 3 to 4 months and in those 3 to 4 months that i have been away at school, it seems that my home town is falling into to shambles. people are doing things that they never did before or that I just chose not to pay attention to. but today something was brought to my attention that made me want to write this. my friend texted me today and told me that she had gotten into yet another car accident. luckly for her it was nothing serious that she had to worry about. But let us look at the facts here. This is not the first time this year that she has had an accident. if i count correctly this is now the third accident that could have been fatal. she has also had some run in with the law when it comes to speeding and from what i hear, she has begun to drink even more now than she has done in the past.
In the faith we are sometimes taught that God lets things happen to you to test you and to show that you are not alone. a perfect example in the bible is the story of Job. this man was a servant of God and spent his life humbling himself before God. But God and Satan wanted to test him. he was stricken with sickness, his family left him, and he lost everything he owned and yet he stayed faithful to Christ. Well i thought about this story before i started to right this and then i started to think alittle about a message I once hear from Bishop GE Patterson. in his message he talk about God calling people letting him know that he is there.
So after i thought about all of this, i thought about my friend and all of her so called bad luck. in life we are all thrown obstacles that are used to test us and how we respond to them. i was raised to know that God often is trying to get the attention of those that have strayed away from christ. and even of those who have never been apart of the christian faith he still calls them. i believe in some ways that all of these issues that she is having in general is God's way of getting her attention. she of course will not believe it because she believe that if she does in fact walk into a church that she will be struck by lightning. but this is not true for all men have sinned and it says in in the bible. we all have walked down the wrong paths that have lead us into the arms of the enemy. I know for a fact that I have multiple time. Just this week my computer decided to conspire against me. At first i thought it was just a computer thing but i later realized that it wasnt. my computer went down for a reason and it was only by the grace of God that i was able to get it fixed.
But that was Gods way of getting my attention. See sometimes god has to stripe things from us just to get our attention. Sometimes he has to make us almost face death to tell us that its time to come on home. see all of these things are nothing but test to see what we will do when we face impossible choices. im praying for my friend and i hope that everything works out fine for her. just remember one thing from this passage, if your going through something and it seems to hard for you to bare just know that God is there and he is trying to get your attention.
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